Lisboa Story Centre - Memories of the City

Located in Terreiro do Paço, this interactive technology-based facility relates the main events in the city from past to present.

Built on the hills bathed by the Tagus, and overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, Lisboa is a fascinating mosaic of memories, stories and influences that still mark the urban landscape of this unique city.

The various events that make up its history and some of its protagonists are now presented at Lisboa Story Centre, where all who visit the Portuguese capital are invited to make a trip back in time and discover memories of Lisboa, since its foundation until present day.

In a playful and interactive way whilst respecting the historical accuracy that a city with Lisboa's past deserves, this interpretation centre takes visitors on a journey through space and time with an audio guide system presenting historically accurate events and dramatic scenes of the city's different eras.







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Arco da Rua Augusta   |   Pilar 7 Bridge Experience   |   Sintra Myths and Legends

Interpretative Center of the History of Cod

Lisboa Card